MamaEileen's Benny Tour Closing Photo Album
Boring Tourist Pictures

I'm so glad I didn't "waste" the whole trip sitting in a rush line. San Francisco is such a terrific city, I'm really happy that I got to explore a bit.

A black dog; Actual size=130 pixels wide

Isn't rubbing a buddha's tummy supposed to bring good luck? Or am I just a dork? Wait, don't answer that...

Busted! The Alcatraz tour was definitely the coolest thing ever, especially cuz we took Richard's advice and got the audio tour too. You could almost feel the spirits of the bad guys all around - creepy!

Yes Leah, I really do want you to go over there and pose for a picture. Make nice with the ducks.

I'm pretty sure EVERYBODY got a shot of this at one point. Not very original, but pretty I think.


Did I mention that I got a tattoo? Yeah, I'm a little bit proud of it. It's a Chinese character that means "dream." Got it on Haight Street, at a place called Mom's Body Shop. Mom himself, a huge man with fire-engine red hair, did it. He claimed his real name was Barnaby, but I have my doubts... Getting a tattoo is something that is just not ME, but isn't that the point? I'm delighted that I have a permanent reminder of my Rent experience, and all that it has taught me.


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